Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why you don't talk about revival.

For those of you who hear other talking about revival, excited about what God is doing, but you yourself cannot "talk" with us....

There is not an excuse. Months have come and gone when we could sit and discuss for hours. Now, do families, jobs, relationships, etc. take that place. Your excuses are only wrapped up in this....

Out of the heart flow the issues of life and out of it's abundance your mouth speaks.

So don't tell me that you're busy or don't have time to talk about the things of God and revival. The real reason why you cannot get involved is because of a backslidden heart. I do not say that you are backslidden from God, rather, you are backslidden from desire, passion, zeal, faith and hope! (Wow, sounds like you might be backslidding from God!)

Check your heart. What your saying, or not saying for that matter, is evidence of where your heart is.

Pastor Dustin

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