Friday, April 25, 2008

A Rant for Revolution

I become irritated when I look around me and see a lackadaisical attitude. On the job, in the church, with the family or alone, people seem so relaxed and laissez-faire, so careless and halfhearted, so lazy and casual? Does anybody know what time it is?

My God! I am looking for someone who is meticulous and stern, watchful and alert, sincere, edgy and full-of-life. Where are you at? Can I meet you. Can my time be consumed with your vision and contagious vivaciousness?

Do you know where we are going? Do you care? What is so important that we become tolerant, liberal and accommodating to weariness and lack of interest and concern?

I don't know about anyone else but as for me: I am nauseated by the stench of stale water. I become ill when I see insanity at work. I have lack of interest in what is considered "socially acceptable." PLEASE!!! Why should I be like everyone else who drags their feet and shucks off the "warrior" garment?


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